Work Packages
An ARIMNet project
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INRA-Dijon UMR Agroécologie
The main researches explored in our unit concern :

1/ the diversity of microbe communities, the diversity of plant communities, their regulations and their interactions

2/ the contribution of this diversity and these interactions to ecosystemic services including:
​(i) ecological insurance (associated to the resistance and/ or the resilience of the agro-ecosystem to the disturbances)
​(ii) farm production (quantity and quality of agricultural products)
​(iii) environment conservation
​(iv) human well-being (including the cultural value of diversity, human health…)

3/ the feedback consequences of these ecosystemic services on:
(i) the biodiversity and interactions among communities
(ii) the evolution of agricultural practices

4/ the conception of new cropping systems which optimize community diversity and their interactions for better ecosystemic services.

The corresponding research are carried out at different organisational levels (moecules, organisms, populations, communities), as well as at different spatial levels (microcosms, field, landscape) and temporal levels (microbial cycle, plant cycle, cultural cycle, landscape modifications).

Main scientists involved in MediLeg project :
Dr. Marion PRUDENT

Joint Unit of Agroecology
National Institute for Agronomic Research, Dijon, France

My main axe of research is related to the Valorization of legume-microbe interactions for a better nitrogen uptake under water stress conditions
The centers of interest are related to:
Plant legume ecophysiology, Genotype x Environment interaction, Plant Genetics, Pisum sativum, Medicago truncatula

Dr. Christophe SALON​​​​​​​

Research Manager
Manager of the GEAPSI group and Scientific Manager of the High Throughput Phenotyping Platform of the UMR Agroecology of INRA Dijon

My current axes of research are related to:
- Ecophysiology of legume plants: plant species being studied are pea (as the main cultivated legume crop in Europe) and Medicago truncatula as its model species,
- elemental (carbon and nitrogen mainly) fluxes within plants, in the context of analyzing the adaptive strategy of plants when placed in a context of fluctuating and constraints telluric resources: highlighting systemic versus local regulations/modifications of the flux, determining their molecular basis,
- Setting up new phenotyping tools and methods for high throughput phenotyping of shoot and root compartments of plants.
Mr Pascal Marget
Agroecology 1347 Unit
17 rue Sully, BV86510, 21026 Dijon Cedex, France

The current axes of research are related to:
- Breeding and applied genetics of Vicia faba L. focusing on the study of resistance toward biotic (bruchid) and abiotic (winter hardiness and cold tolerance) stresses.
The centers of interest are related to the: faba bean, pea, breeding, field experiment, frost hardiness, QTL, MAS, bruchid tolerance, nitrogen supply, seed composition, antinutritionnal seed compounds (vicine, tannins).
Dr Gérard Duc
Director of Research ​​​​​​
Agroecology 1347 Unit
17 rue Sully, BV86510, 21026 Dijon Cedex, France

Engineer Degree in Agricultural Sciences (ENSA Rennes), PhD in genetics and plant breeding (U of Paris Sud), HDR in agronomy and breeding (ENSAIA Nancy). Centers of interest are the genetics of nitrogen nutrition, root and nodule development, seed composition in grain legumes genetic resources. Work on pea, faba bean, Medicago truncatula. 80 publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Since 2006 President of Scientific council of UNIP and of protein legume Section at French CTPS .