José Alfonso Gómez Calero

Soil erosion-degradation, olive grove, vineyard, gullies, erosion tracers


My work combines basic and applied research with the ultimate goal of developing and disseminating soil management systems in agricultural areas, especially for woody crops (especially olive groves and vineyards) to counteract soil degradation, mainly due to water erosion. Specialization in surface hydrology and soil physics, with emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration with other specialists for the sustainability of crops in Mediterranean climate. Activity lines: Measurement, at hillside and small watershed scale, of soil, runoff and carbon losses in olive groves under different management systems. Study of water and sediment redistribution processes by combining measurements at different scales and erosion tracers. Measurement and modeling of water erosion and water balance in olive groves and vineyards. Characterization of native species for use as ground covers. Gully erosion control. Characterization of the relationship between management system and the modification of soil physical, chemical and biological properties.

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