Women and science

The CSIC, sensitive to the problem of the low presence of women in the scientific tasks of the Institution, which has persisted since the creation of the CSIC itself, led the Governing Board to approve in 2002 the Women and Science Commission with two particularly relevant objectives: to study the possible causes that hinder both the entry and career of women and to propose to the Presidency possible actions aimed at achieving equality between women and men in the CSIC. CSIC was the first public and private research organization in Spain to create a Women and Science Commission.

Equality at CSIC

As part of the implementation of the First Plan for equality between women and men in the National Government and its public agencies, the CSIC Delegate Commission for EqualityThis committee brings together representatives of trade union organizations and the Administration, and its activity extends to the diagnosis and proposal of actions in the area of equality that affect all CSIC public employees.

Equality Plans: The Plan is evaluated annually in order to know its degree of success and, if necessary, reformulate the objectives, indicators and measures set.

– III Plan for Gender Equality of the CSICThe purpose of this plan is to transfer to the reality of the institution the lines of action included in the III Equality Plan of the State Administration and to renew, for the coming years, our commitment to equal opportunities between women and men and to non-discrimination.


Protocol for prevention and intervention against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex at CSIC

Guide to the reconciliation of personal, family and work life in the General State Administration

Use of non-sexist language:

Guide for a non-sexist use of language at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, adopted by CSIC

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