Etiology and control of crop diseases

Research on crop diseases caused by soil pathogens, with emphasis on: a) biotechnology and molecular basis of plant-microorganism interactions, both pathogenic and beneficial, using ‘omic’ approaches b) genetic and pathogenic diversity of pathogen populations and their molecular detection in plant and soil, c) pre-symptomatic and non-destructive detection of vascular diseases by means of temperature, fluorescence and reflectance measurements; and d) integrated control of Mediterranean crop diseases, mainly olive verticillium, fusarium diseases of carnation and horticultural crops, downy mildew and sunflower blight, avocado root rot and late wilt of corn, including biocontrol agents, organic amendments and genetic resistance.

Research personnel

Carlos J. López Herrera

Carlos J. López Herrera

Senior Scientist

Mª Leire Molinero Ruiz

Mª Leire Molinero Ruiz

Senior Scientist

Encarnación Pérez Artés

Encarnación Pérez Artés

Senior Scientist

Montserrat Jurado Expósito

Montserrat Jurado Expósito

Senior Scientist

Technical staff

Carlos Casanova Muñoz

Carlos Casanova Muñoz

Senior Technician

Inmaculada León Martínez

Inmaculada León Martínez


Ana Domínguez Carmona

Ana Domínguez Carmona

Titulada superior

Ana Belén García Carneros

Ana Belén García Carneros

Senior Technician

Carmen Gómez-Lama Cabanás

Carmen Gómez-Lama Cabanás

Senior Graduate

Antonio Valverde Corredor

Antonio Valverde Corredor

OPIS Research Assistant

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